How It Works

The auto-driving solution is to demonstrate programming skills in precise positioning with RTK-GPS technology, and in customizing ArduPilot platform based applications to control hardware devices in combination with input parameters from a variety of different sensors.

    • Main board: Raspberry Pi3
    • Hardware and sensors: L298N stepper motors, MPU-9250 accelerometer, USB camera, Maxbotix sonar, A2 RPLidar
    • Technologies: RTK-GPS, Wi-Fi broadcast
    • ArduPilot platform
    • Programming languages: C/C++, Python, Android

We assembled a 1/16 scale model of the tractor, loaded our autopilot program onto its main board, so that it could automatically operate itself and control hitch devices, in order to simulate the creation of planting furrows on a field automatically following a predefined plan.

April 10, 2018
Design / Development